Thursday, March 12, 2009

Change is Good!

Yes. Yes we are going to change. It has to change. It can not remain the same. If it would, life would be as it always was and that was never intended to be. For us this is simple. It was written that the wise will take refuge in the Lord when they know of trouble coming. Trouble has come. It is evident, even to the simple. Just as one watches the sky and can tell that a storm is coming. So it is with this life we have all been given. It is not about us. It is not about me. It is all for Him! The way we change is simple. Make different choices and it will direct your life on a different path. Ensure that your choices are based off of truth and truly you will be set free. Freedom exists when one is not enslaved to the ideas of yesterday. Then and only then will any of us be given a chance to improve. When we start to encourage each other, greater levels of accomplishments are obtained. Forgiveness is what is offered for those willing to relent their own transgressors. Continue to harbor hate and it will destroy all. Decide not to accept, believe and commit and you will have signed the contract with no escape clause. No final chances. In the blink of an eye it is gone and so are we. Life will continue with or without you or me. Most will not be remembered. Most will have served their entire lives to a cause that is vain and in the end it will be empty. We are a mere vapor. Enjoy life to it's fullest. Live out love and walk by faith.

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